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JVS Relay
JNC-068 IDMT Relay
JRV-181 JVS make Master Trip Relay
JRV-161 JVS make Auxiliary Relay
Rotary Switch
Electric TNC CAM Switch
TNC CAM Switch
Trip Neutral Close Switch
Satya Meter
Satya Digital Energy Meter
Satya Energy Meter
Satya Make Energy Meter
Vacuum Contactor
MVC-400LS Crompton Make Vacuum Contactor
CSVP-11S CG make Vacuum Contactor
MVC-400 CG make Vacuum Contactor
MVC-400S CG make Vacuum Contactor
Spring Charging Motor
Ignitor Make Spring Charging Motor
Agni Spring Charging Motor
S1-220 Agni Make Spring Charging Motor
CG Relays
CGI14S Self Powered Relay
Crompton Greaves make Master Trip Relay
Crompton Greaves make Auxiliary Relay
Vacuum Interrupter
Wl-32597-13 CG VI - Crompton Make 630amp Vacuum Interrupter
CG Vacuum Interrupter
Ashida Relay
ADR141S Self Powered Protection Relay
Ashida make Master Trip Relay
ADR141A Numerical Over Current And Earth Fault Relay
Secure Meters
Secure Prodigy Uni-Directional-Bi-Directional Meter
Secure Make Saral Meter
Premier 300 Secure HT Meter
Alstom Relay
VAA11YF5752BA Alstom make Auxiliary Relay
Alstom Over Current Relay
VAJH13YF0002BBA Alstom make Tripping Relay
TTB Relay
TTB-1 JVS Relay
Test Plug Relay
JVS Test Terminal Block for Metering
Industrial Test Plug Relay
Push Button
JVS make Green Push Button
JVS make Red Push Button
LED Indicating Lamp Push Button
Voltage Regulating Relay
EE301E Automatic Voltage Regulator Relay
EE301M Emco make Automatic Voltage Regulating Relay
Indicator Light
Blue LED Indicating Lamp
Green LED Indicating Lamp
White LED Indicating Lamp
Potential Transformer
11 KV Potential Transformer
33 KV Potential Transformer
33 KV Current Transformer
Vacuum Circuit Breaker
11kV VCB Mechanism Or Spring Charging Mechanism
11 kV VCB Mechanism for Crompton Greaves
Z Switch or Limit Switch
Oil Temperature Indicator
EE-602 EMCO make Oil Temperature Indicator
Precimeasure Make OTI
Industrial Oil Temperature Indicator
Bushings Insulators
100 x 300 mm Dark Brown Insulator
11KV VCB Spout with Busbar
70x300mm 40V Dark Brown Insulator
Electrical Fuses
Bussman 11KV PT Fuse
33 kV Anand PT Fuse
11 kV Anand PT Fuse
Avana Relay
NPA-422 AvanaMake IDMT Over Current Earth Fault Relay
EMR-151 AvanaMaster Trip Relay MTR
EMR-151 24VDC AvanaMaster Trip Relay MTR
Annunciation Window
110 V Avanamake 8 Window Annunciator with Buzzer
AvanaMake 6 Window Annunciator
6 Window Annunciator
Cam Switch
Electric Cam Switch
Sunkid 7 Pole Auxiliary Switch
TNC Switch
Control Panel
RTCC Panel
CG Control N Relay Panel
Jaw Contact
Electric Jaw Contact
Isolating Jaw Contact
ACB Jaw Contact
Tap Position Indicator
EMCO TPI Tap Position Indicator
EE-610 Emco Make Tap Position Indicator
Temperature Indicator
EE-602 EMCO Make Winding Temperature Indicator
Winding Temperature Indicator
Digital Multifunction Temperature Indicator
Mi-1071 Precimeasure Make Thermometer With 2 Contacts
L And T Relay
MC-31A Over Current And Earth Fault Relay
MC31A- L And T Make IDMT Relay
Battery Power Pack
Battery Backed Power Pack
Power Pack With Battery Backup
Tripping Coil
Siemens Tripping Coil
Housing Bush
Electric Housing Bushing
Ignitors Motor
SG113-220 Ignitors Motor
Hooter Relay
JAV 031-2 Hooter Relay
Transformer Switch
11KV 12KV 400Amp Transformer Switch
Electrical Hooter
JVS Multitone Audio Alarm
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Our Products
Voltage Regulating Relay
EE301E Automatic Voltage Regulator Relay
EE301M Emco make Automatic Voltage Regulating Relay
Annunciation Window
110 V Avanamake 8 Window Annunciator with Buzzer
6 Window Annunciator
AvanaMake 6 Window Annunciator
CG Relays
Crompton Greaves make Master Trip Relay
CGI14S Self Powered Relay
Crompton Greaves make Auxiliary Relay
Control Panel
CG Control N Relay Panel
RTCC Panel
L And T Relay
MC31A- L And T Make IDMT Relay
MC-31A Over Current And Earth Fault Relay
Jaw Contact
Electric Jaw Contact
ACB Jaw Contact
Isolating Jaw Contact
Avana Relay
NPA-422 AvanaMake IDMT Over Current Earth Fault Relay
EMR-151 AvanaMaster Trip Relay MTR
EMR-151 24VDC AvanaMaster Trip Relay MTR
Transformer Switch
11KV 12KV 400Amp Transformer Switch
Vacuum Interrupter
CG Vacuum Interrupter
Wl-32597-13 CG VI - Crompton Make 630amp Vacuum Interrupter
Cam Switch
TNC Switch
Sunkid 7 Pole Auxiliary Switch
Electric Cam Switch
Tap Position Indicator
EMCO TPI Tap Position Indicator
EE-610 Emco Make Tap Position Indicator
TTB Relay
TTB-1 JVS Relay
JVS Test Terminal Block for Metering
Industrial Test Plug Relay
Test Plug Relay
Oil Temperature Indicator
EE-602 EMCO make Oil Temperature Indicator
Precimeasure Make OTI
Industrial Oil Temperature Indicator
Tripping Coil
Siemens Tripping Coil
Spring Charging Motor
Ignitor Make Spring Charging Motor
S1-220 Agni Make Spring Charging Motor
Agni Spring Charging Motor
Push Button
JVS make Green Push Button
LED Indicating Lamp Push Button
JVS make Red Push Button
Battery Power Pack
Battery Backed Power Pack
Power Pack With Battery Backup
Secure Meters
Premier 300 Secure HT Meter
Secure Make Saral Meter
Secure Prodigy Uni-Directional-Bi-Directional Meter
Ashida Relay
Ashida make Master Trip Relay
ADR141A Numerical Over Current And Earth Fault Relay
ADR141S Self Powered Protection Relay
Potential Transformer
33 KV Current Transformer
33 KV Potential Transformer
11 KV Potential Transformer
Alstom Relay
VAJH13YF0002BBA Alstom make Tripping Relay
Alstom Over Current Relay
VAA11YF5752BA Alstom make Auxiliary Relay
Satya Meter
Satya Digital Energy Meter
Satya Make Energy Meter
Satya Energy Meter
Hooter Relay
JAV 031-2 Hooter Relay
Rotary Switch
Electric TNC CAM Switch
Trip Neutral Close Switch
TNC CAM Switch
Vacuum Circuit Breaker
11kV VCB Mechanism Or Spring Charging Mechanism
Z Switch or Limit Switch
11 kV VCB Mechanism for Crompton Greaves
Vacuum Contactor
MVC-400LS Crompton Make Vacuum Contactor
MVC-400 CG make Vacuum Contactor
MVC-400S CG make Vacuum Contactor
CSVP-11S CG make Vacuum Contactor
Housing Bush
Electric Housing Bushing
Ignitors Motor
SG113-220 Ignitors Motor
Electrical Fuses
11 kV Anand PT Fuse
33 kV Anand PT Fuse
Bussman 11KV PT Fuse
Electrical Hooter
JVS Multitone Audio Alarm
JVS Relay
JRV-161 JVS make Auxiliary Relay
JRV-181 JVS make Master Trip Relay
JNC-068 IDMT Relay
Indicator Light
Green LED Indicating Lamp
Blue LED Indicating Lamp
White LED Indicating Lamp
Bushings Insulators
11KV VCB Spout with Busbar
70x300mm 40V Dark Brown Insulator
100 x 300 mm Dark Brown Insulator
Temperature Indicator
EE-602 EMCO Make Winding Temperature Indicator
Winding Temperature Indicator
Digital Multifunction Temperature Indicator
Mi-1071 Precimeasure Make Thermometer With 2 Contacts
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